Lot 120

Aalholm Automobile Collection

1922 De Dion-Bouton Saloon


kr.89,600 DKK | Sold

Denmark | Nysted, Denmark



Chassis No.
Bill of Sale Only

Chiefly remembered for their pioneering tricycles and early cars, De Dion, Bouton et Cie continued manufacturing automobiles until 1932 and trucks into the 1950s. This 1922 saloon is typical of production during the period. Freshened with new paint, it is otherwise unrestored.

De Dion, Bouton et Cie, som først og fremmest er kendt for deres banebrydende trehjulede motorcykler og tidlige biler, fortsatte bilproduktionen indtil 1932 og produktion af lastbiler ind i 1950erne. Denne 1922 saloon er typisk for produktionen i perioden. Bortset fra nyere maling er den urestaureret.